Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Fight, Fight, Fight, Fight!

Hey look, I'm back. I got really bored with the show because every episode was pretty cut and dry and you could predict what was going to happen beat by beat. But after the goings on in the house this week, and the recap I read, I thought that this was a good of episode as any to jump back into it. The PMS levels were at an all time high, and I was laughing from start to finish. Great episode.

-Dan has grown on me more and more every week and the way he played the Americas Player task this week was perfect. His mugging to the camera was incredibly well timed, and his diary room talking head to go along with it was just as good. Dan has found a place in my heart and I want that 14 year old boy to make it to the final two.

-I did like the fact that Jesse was trying to stir the pot and get the plastics to scratch each others eyes out. I really admire that. I'd probably try and do the same thing. The shitty thing for Jesse is he doesn't understand that he's a huge asshole and no one in the house likes him. So rather than getting the heat off him and trying to perhaps sway the vote, which as I'm typing this doesn't make sense, because if Libra and Keesha were mad at April then it would make sense for them to vote against her wishes. So it seems like a pretty lose/lose situation. Anyway he pretty much buried himself, and that's sweet. Steven and Angie don't look so fucking bad right now do they idiots. Third times a charm, so we'll see what happens with the America swing vote.

-I had such high hopes for Jerry but week after week he turns into nothing more than a useless, shriveled up old tattle tale. There was no reason what so ever for him to run into the plastics room and interrupt them just to make sure they knew that Memphis was enjoying the ridiculousness of the whole thing. For one, it was funny. Why shouldn't Memphis laugh. The heat is being taken off him and he knows it. I would find the humor too in something that petty and insane. And two, who the fuck cares. Really. The whole house should have been making fun of the situation. I hate to say it but Jerry needs to be put on an iceberg and sent out to sea like thousands of other old, useless people before him.

-I'm not quite sure who, if anybody came out looking the best from that fight. I didn't mind Libra standing up for herself, but once again she got way too defensive for no reason. Angry Black Women syndrome, which she assured us before entering the house that she did not suffer from, was in full effect as always.
I also didn't mind Keesha standing up for herself, and she did make some valid points about the way April treats her, but her incessant swearing made her look immature and dumb (pot calling kettle black I know, but my swearing is a literary device, I'm not trying to work out problems with people I live with).
And April, I'm not even sure. She didn't really have a chance to get a word in edge wise, which is probably a good thing for her. She handled the whole thing terribly. I think the best thing for her to do would be to call Keesha and Libra up seperately and talk things out one and one. No need to make a gigantic scene. Who am I kidding they're all drama queens. Why expect anything less.

-The feeble attempt to celebrate Keesha's birthday was hilarious. It felt like one of those awkward birthday parties where your dad passes out in the middle of the floor with his hand down his pants, and everyone tries to ignore it and step over him. At least she'll never forget her 30th birthday.
Speaking of her turning 30, at what age does it become awkward to still be working at Hooters? My guess would be like 27, 28, but I guess it's different on an individual by individual basis.

-The veto competition looked fun, and being a patriotic Canadian it once again made me mad that Canadians are not invited to try out for the show. I would have owned that comp.
Michelle got way too excited when she won something that was obviously going to be taken away. Clearly that asshole has no idea how Yankee Swap works.
I like that gold bar twist. I think they should start doing that more often. Instead of lame luxury comps where they get to watch movies, have money comps. People do crazy shit when a large sum of money is dangling in front of them. The thought of people buying their way out of nominations or buying a veto seems really compelling.

-And speaking of the comp, I didn't think anyone was ever going to top BB8 Jen when it came to being a fucking annoying crybaby, but congratulations Michelle, you take the cake! What a sore loser. Her reaction was priceless, and had me laughing out loud. She even called Libra a whore slut skank or something like that which was really topped things off nicely. And how fucking old is she? She turns her back to the camera because she didn't win a prize. Grow the fuck up. I hope her family and friends were really embarressed by how poorly she acted. There was no need for her to call Libra all sorts of names just because she chose a Hawaiian vacation over a letter from home. Sure she has kids, but from what I remember her twins were newborns. Does she really need to hear about how much they poop and cry and sleep? Probably not. I'd rather take my family to Hawaii too. That's a way better prize. I'd also rather wear a unitard than be on slop all week, so Michelle should count her blessings.

The Alliance Of Everyone seems to have broken off into a few different factions, and I'm so glad. Hopefully we can now see people playing for themselves and not trying to appease the whole group. The second half of this season seems to be heading in the right direction. It's gotten back to what Big Brother was supposed to be. I say fuck yeah to that. Live eviction tomorrow and barring any wild developments over the next 24 hours it looks like Jesse should finally be going home. Terrorist fist jab to that.

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